Help A Reporter Out (HARO) is a publicity tool available to you by simply starting a free account today. Reporters need expert sources for their stories, and HARO connects you with their queries.
You can segment out your specific expertise verticals and only get alerts tailored to your industry knowledge. Send unlimited pitches to over 30,000 influential reporters on a deadline who are partnered with HARO.
With Your Free HARO Account, You Get:
1. 3 daily media alerts from reporters looking for your expertise
2. Exclusive ability to respond to reporter’s queries
3. Opportunity for a big publicity hit for you and/or your business
Switch2Health got into Better Homes and Gardens!
Switch2Health needed publicity for a product. HARO connected them to a Better Homes and Gardens reporter who needed products to write about. The result after the article appeared?
“Our entire production run sold out in two weeks.”
– Goutham Bhadri, Switch2Health